7:30 AM07:30

15th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament

The Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament returns on Monday, May 19th, at the wonderful

Antelope Valley Country Club.

Check-in starts at 7:30am for a 9:00am tee time.

4 Man Scramble (Best Ball) format

$125 per golfer, includes: green fees, range balls, golfers goodie bag, and lunch buffet

Prizes for “Closest to the Pin” and “Longest Drive” at designated holes

Raffle tickets and Silent Auction will be available at Lunch Buffet

Lunch buffet tickets will be on a limited availability for non-golfers at $25

Please mail entry form to: Jacob Hefter Foundation, P.O. box 901657, Palmdale, CA, 93590

Questions: call Alan Hefter (661)99203481 or email us at



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9:00 AM09:00

6th Annual Jacob Hefter Foundation BloodDrive

6TH Annual Jacob Hefter Foundation Blood Drive with Kiwanis Club of Palmdale West

January:  National Blood Donor Month!

Palmdale Learning Plaza: 38043 Division Street, Palmdale, 93551

  • Comfortably spacious inside the School Gymnasium

  • Saturday, February 1ST  2025

  • 9:00AM 3:00PM

  • Bring I.D:  open to public, family, friends, neighbors, etc.

  • Everything provided at absolutely no cost or fees:  be able to find out your own individual blood type and also select a favorite complimentary thank-you $10 gift card

(choose either one:  In-N-Out Burger or Starbucks Café!)



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7:30 AM07:30

14th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament

14th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament

Antelope Valley Country Club Palmdale, CA

Monday, May 20, 2024

The Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament returns on Monday, May 20th, at a brand new location- The Antelope Valley Country Club.

Check-in starts at 7:30am for a 9:00am tee time.

4 Man Scramble (Best Ball) format

$125 per golfer, includes: green fees, range balls, golfers goodie bag, and lunch buffet

Prizes for “Closest to the Pin” and “Longest Drive” at designated holes

Raffle tickets and Silent Auction will be available at Lunch Buffet

Lunch buffet tickets will be on a limited availability for non-golfers at $25

Please mail entry form to: Jacob Hefter Foundation, P.O. box 901657, Palmdale, CA, 93590

Questions: call Alan Hefter (661)99203481 or email us at



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7:00 AM07:00

13th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament

Once again, we are honored to host the 13th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament.

It will be Saturday, May 13 at Rancho Vista Golf Course.

Check-in starts at 7:00am, with a 7:30am tee-time.

4 Man Scramble (Best Ball) Format

$125 per golfer, package includes green fees, range balls, golfer goodie bag, and lunch buffet.

Prizes for “Closest to the Pin” and “Longest Drive” at designated holes.

Raffle tickets and Silent Auction items will be available at the lunch buffet.

A limited number of lunch buffet tickets are available for non-golfers at $30 each.

Click here for Golfers Form

Mail entry form to:

Jacob Hefter Foundation

P.O. Box 901657 Palmdale, CA, 93590

or e-mail us your entry at

Click here for Sponsorship form

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Teen Driving Safety Event
10:00 AM10:00

Teen Driving Safety Event

The City of Palndale’s Public Safety Office is teaming up with numerous community organizations, first responders, and a medical trauma center to highlight the dangers of street racing, speeding, and distracted driving. Traffic crashes are the number 1 cause of death for teens, and these deaths are preventable. The goal of this even is to give teen drivers the necessary tools and tips on how to stay safe as a driver and passenger.

Organizations involved:

City of Palmdale

California Highway Patrol

L.A. County Sherriff

L.A. County Fire Dept.


Palmdale High School

L.A.S.D. Motorsports

PHS Health Careers Academy

Street Racing Kills

Antelope Valley Medical Center

Union Pacific


Jacob Hefter Foundation

This event will take place on Wednesday, December 7, at Palmdale High School.

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7:00 AM07:00

12th Annual Jacob Hefter memorial Golf Tournament

After a long wait, we are proud to announce the 12th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament will be held May 21, 2022. We are very happy to bring this event back and are excited to see all of you on the golf course.

Like previous years, this will be a 4 man Scramble (Best Ball) format. Check-in starts at 7:00am, with an 8:00am Tee Time.

We will be playing at Rancho Vista Golf Course in Palmdale and are looking for teams of 4.

Cost is $125 per golfer, and this includes: green fees, range balls, golfers goodie bags, and lunch buffet.

There will be prizes for “Closest to the Pin;, and “Longest Drive” at designated holes, as well as a surprise Hole in One prize, to be announced soon!

We also have tickets available just for the lunch buffet, which are $30 each.

Deadline to register is May 6, 2022. Please let us know if you have any questions, and we hope to see you there!

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3rd Annual Jacob Hefter Foundation Blood Drive
10:00 AM10:00

3rd Annual Jacob Hefter Foundation Blood Drive

Join us for the 3rd Jacob Hefter Foundation in collaboration with the Kiwanis Club of Palmdale West!

Come out February 5th all day, and Save A Life or Two!

 Reserve your appointment time by clicking here

Beds/cots set up indoors

Bring I.D. & please wear a mask (required for blood donation)

COVID-19 vaccination is fine, but isn’t mandatory either

Open to everyone: family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, etc.

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12:00 PM12:00

its boba time fundraiser

Come join us this Wednesday, Oct 27 from 12-9pm at it's boba time in Palmdale. We are having a fundraiser to support Be The Match, an organization that works to get people to join the bone marrow registry and help save lives. Show this flyer and a portion of the proceeds come back to our fundraiser!

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12:00 PM12:00

Palmdale High School Blood Drive sponsored by the Jacob Hefter Foundation

  • Palmdale High School cefeteria (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The Jacob Hefter Foundation is partnering with Cedars Sinai to sponsor a blood drive at Palmdale High School. We have worked with Cedars in the past on a blood drive, and are happy to be able to bring it to Palmdale High School, Jacob’s alma mater. Details can be found below, as well as a link to register your donation time. Hope to see you there!

Palmdale High Blood Drive!

Wednesday, October 27th

Inside the School Cafeteria

12:00pm–6:00pm  all-day & open to everyone

 Lifesavers-Click Here to reserve your spot today!

Helpful info & myth de-bunkers:

  • Blood donation is available to ages 16 years old & up

  • 17 years & older can be 110 lbs minimum

  • 16 year olds specifically are required to obtain a signed parent consent form (attached here) and need to be at least 135 lbs if they’re age 16

  • First-timers definitely welcome: one doesn’t need to know their type & will receive comprehensive information to be able to find out their own individual type at no cost whatsoever within two weeks after their donation

  • Access to the online portal which allows donors to see any previous donations, blood type, health-wellness summary & if any fluctuations in b/p, iron, etc.

  • Contrary to some inaccurate beliefs, many people are fine to give blood & majority of common medications are not a problem: cholesterol, antidepressants, blood pressure, birth control, thyroid, even diabetics who take insulin can safely give blood

  • Pain medications including aspirin, codeine, vicodin are also allowed

  • Even those who have had issues with decreased iron can try (most people do not have actual anemia).

  • Taking iron pills, daily vitamins, or pre-natal vitamins is fine.

  • Just like body piercings, tattoos are accepted! (as long as any body-inkwork was performed at a licensed professional shop, and nothing amateur done in a garage or incarceration setting)

  • The human body has approximately 8–10 pints of blood inside & a donation simply consists of just 1 pint. Then, the body will naturally replenish itself & regenerate the strong development of new cells. A helpful metaphor for giving blood is that it’s like an oil change for the body, similar as to an oil change for a car. It’s good & healthy for the body!

  • Cedars-Sinai will provide each & every person complimentary health screenings before donating which includes blood pressure assessment & iron hematocrit evaluation.

  • There’s a brief questionnaire each person fills out of yes/no questions

  • The actual donation process itself only takes about 10 mins & they’re fine to resume their normal day afterwards (go back to class, drive a vehicle, do errands, etc)

  • All-you-can-eat refreshment snacks

  • Walk away not only with a wonderful feeling of touching someone’s life in a deeply meaningful way, yet also receive a complimentary token of appreciation to enjoy a special treat!

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10:00 AM10:00

1st Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Blood Drive

The Jacob Hefter Foundation is proud to partner with Cedars Sinai to hold the 1st Annual Jacob Hefter Foundation Blood Drive. This is an excellent opportunity to help out our community. Below you will find some details.

Limited spots available & advance appointments highly recommended, it’s simple to select your own time online:

LifeSavers RSVP right here

Everything completely free for those who donate blood, no charge at all for any of the following:

 Plenty of free self-parking on-site & easily accessible for everyone

 Comfortable spacious indoors arrangements inside the large sports complex

 Testing for COVID-19 antibodies

 Info to be able to find out your own individual blood type

 All ages 17-&-up and weigh at least 110 lbs

 16 year olds may also participate with a signed parent consent hospital form

(Parent Consent form only needed for 16 year olds)

 Enlist in the bone marrow registry  (18 & up)

 Health screening including vital-signs, blood pressure evaluation, iron test, temp, pulse

 Awesome brand-new shirt to first 100 donors!

 Majority of common daily medications allowed, tattoos accepted & also body piercings (if done at a Calif licensed shop)

 Safely individually packaged all-you-can-eat refreshment snacks/juices/bottled water

 Incredible way to share one of the most precious gifts to help a patient’s treatment regimen

 Repeat donors & also first-timers invited, please wear your mask & bring an I.D. (driver license, state issued I.D., or passport works best)

 Join us to support this important cause!

Iron • detailed info & beneficial food list

JHF & Cedars Blood Drive Flyer.jpg
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6:35 PM18:35

2019 Jethawks Star Wars Night

The Jacob Hefter Foundation is partnering with the Lancaster Jethawks to sponsor a Star Wars Fireworks night! The 501st Legion will be on hand, with your favorite Star Wars characters patolling the stadium during the game, with a fireworks show after the game ends. There will be prizes, raffles, photo opportunities, and so much more. Costumes are welcome!

When: Friday, June 14th, at 6:35pm

Where: The Hangar, Lancaster Municipal Stadium, Lancaster

Home of the Lancaster Jethawks, Class A affiliate of the Colorado Rockies

How much: Tickets are $12 each. Tickets must be purchased through the Foundation for us to receive credit. Contact us and we will be more than happy to arrange to get you tickets.

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7:30 AM07:30

11th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament

Come join us for the 11th Annual Jacob Hefter Memorial Golf Tournament. We have been doing this for the last decade, and it has only gotten bigger and better. This year, the tournament is on May 18, at Rancho Vista Golf Course in Palmdale. It is a 4 man scramble, best-ball format. It is $125 per golfer, which includes green fees, range balls, cart, goodie bag, and lunch buffet. Check in starts at 6:30 am, with a tee time of 7:30 am. There will be prizes for “Closest to the Pin” and “Longest Drive”, as well as a Hole-in-One prize, of a 2019 Dodge Ram 1500 Big Horn Truck, sponsored by Hunter Dodge of Lancaster. We also have tickets available for $30 a person for the lunch buffet. There will be raffles, silent auctions, and more at the lunch buffet. Contact us if you are interested or have any questions. We welcome golfers of all abilities, young and old. We hope to see you there.

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